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Marist College Canberra

Australian Football Club

MAFC Canberra


Overall management of Marist Australian Football Club, act as club spokesperson and overall  representative, ensure members, coaches, managers and players responsibilities are being met and grievances managed.

Peter Hyde

Vice President

Maintain the Club's policy and procedure manual, develop and maintain the club calendar, look for operational improvements, directly support the President in the management of the Club.

Kylie Denny


Organise formal meetings and events, manage club minutes, action items, club records,  correspondence, members contact details, and disseminate where required.

Lawrie Hosking


Manage in accordance with policy and procedures the financial wellbeing of the club, ensure payments are made by due dates, assist with purchases and monitor and record club expenditure.

Hugo Ellwood


Manage the registration process for and during the season, provide player details to each coach and manager, coordinate team training venues and schedules, ensure a strong relationship with the ACT Sporting Association and that the club is represented at Association meetings.

Kylie Denny

Director of Coaching

Review and update the coaches manual, provide coaches with relevant information, and skills and development training, assist with team selections and specific training for players as required.

Chris Maher

Managers Coordinator

Review and update the manager's manual, provide relevant information to assist each team manager, assist other committee members in issuing equipment to the managers , and continue communication with managers throughout the season.

James Morrison


College AFL Sports Coordinator

Liaise between the College and the Club, policies, financials, college and student concerns, PSSA and ASC competitions, and assist with the Blue and Blue.

Sarah Mahar

Property & Merchandising Manager

Maintain all equipment, issue each team their kit and stocktake at the end of the season, maintain the equipment register and arrange new/replacements.  

Simon Howard

Sports Medicine Manager

Maintain all First Aid kits, Issue each teams kit and stocktake at the end of the season, maintain the first aid equipment register and arrange new/replacements.  

Gemma McRae


Sponsorship Coordinator

Manage relationship with existing sponsors while obtaining new sponsorship to support the club.

James Morrison


Website and Social Media

Maintain website and share required information over social media platforms.

Penny Scholtens & Sarah Mahar

Social Coordinator

Kate Reed

Canteen Manager

Arrange the purchase of items for sale, coordinate volunteers, set up and pack up of canteen for home fixtures.

Bri Sanson


General Committee Member

Support other committee members and ensure that the club is meeting the clubs goals

Tony Bufalo


MAFC Committee Members

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